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Staff and Leadership

Senior Pastor

Senior Pastor

Linn Valley Community Church is currently forming a Pastor Search Committee. While a search is ongoing, the pulpit will be filled with preachers who are aligned with our Biblical beliefs and standards. 

We are excited and hopeful about our future! We have a strong leadership team in place at LVCC and we continue in the Lord’s service to our community. It takes time to find a new pastor and we’ll keep you updated along the way.  We trust God’s timing on this. Please reach out to one of our Deacons with any concerns. 
James Capps (913) 731-8488

Calvin Mitchell (913) 285-2445

Church Secretary

Patti Seymour

  Send Email  •  (913)295-4897
  • Patti and her husband became residents of the Linn Valley Lakes Community in October 2005. In January 2011 they joined the Linn Valley Community Church. She became the LVCC Church Secretary in May 2019. Prior to retiring Patti had a 34-year career in Credit Card Processing, Mortgage Processing and Underwriting. Patti enjoys her family and has two sons, a daughter and five grandchildren.

Head Deacon

James Capps


Calvin Mitchell


Jimmy Lawson


Sherry Mitchell


Patti Seymour

See Patti's information above.  


Randy Thomas

Church Moderator

Mike Johnson

Church Treasurer

Millie Thomas

  Send Email  •  (913)485-0655

Millie and her husband Randy moved to Linn Valley in 2019 from Olathe, following their daughter Erin, who moved here in 2018. Millie and Randy became members of Linn Valley Community Church in December of 2019. She came to Christ when she was a teenager living in Dighton, KS (western KS) attending the Disciples of Christ Christian Church. Millie spent 25 years working in the banking industry retiring from Bank of America as a Regional Manager. She then spent 15 years working for the government as a Senior Technical Advisor in Personnel retiring from the Internal Revenue Service in 2024.  

Millie is the mother of two daughters, Erin and Jessica, and four grandchildren. Her daughter Jessica's death on January 1, 2011, at the age of 32, was one of the most difficult times in her life. Her trust in God was also put to the ultimate test, but God never abandoned her. She credits Celebrate Recovery, a faith-based 12-step program for people with hurts, habits, and hangups, with helping her navigate through her grief in the early years following Jessica's passing. Her favorite Bible Verse comes from 2 Corinthians 1, verses 3 and 4.  

Assistant Church Treasurer

Patti Seymour

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See Patti's information above.

Layperson Treasurer

Bonnie Haley

Women’s Ministry Director

Sherry Mitchell

Men's Ministry Co-Director

Jimmy Lawson

Men's Ministry Co-Director

Randy Thomas

Men's Ministry Co-Director

James Capps

Music Director

Robin Zumbrunnen

  Send Email  •  (913)636-9341

Robin is the mother of 2 adult children, Eric and Liza, and has been serving in the Music and Women's Ministries at Linn Valley Community Church for over 25 years.  She came to Christ in her teens and music has always been a driving force in her life.  She began singing and song-writing at 15 and has recorded 3 CDs.  Her life verse is Psalm13:6 - I will sing to the Lord; for He has been good to me.  She is passionate about teaching, music and encouraging others. Robin also is the Children’s and Youth Ministry Coordinator and Children’s Director. she believes there is nothing more important than pouring the love of Jesus into the children and youth. 

Robin worked in the Pharmaceutical Industry for 40+ years and recently retired from full-time employment.  She also enjoys Bible teaching, reading, writing and loves animals. In addition, in January 2025 Robin became a first-time Grandmother and so enjoying her new grandson. 

Sunday Bible Study Director

Toni McIntire

Church Organist

Joanne Moore

Children & Youth Coordinator

Robin Zumbrunnen

  Send Email  •  (913)636-9341

See Robin's information above.

Children’s Ministry Director

Robin Zumbrunnen

See Robin's information above.

Children’s VBS Director

Jackie Rowden

Youth Director

Rodney Coffman

  Send Email  •  (641)208-2322

Rodney serves as the Youth Director at Linn Valley Community Church (LVCC). He grew up in a God-fearing Christian family and has attended church for most of his life. After graduating from high school in 2011, Rodney took a year off before feeling God’s call to Heartland Christian College, where he earned an Associate's degree in Biblical Studies in 2014. During his time at Heartland, he received the call to preach.

After graduation, Rodney wrestled with this calling until 2016, when he attended Harvest Baptist Bible College for a year, though he did not complete a degree. Following that season, he began working with a pastor who encouraged him to focus on youth ministry, marking the beginning of Rodney’s journey in youth work. Over several years, he gained valuable experience while serving alongside that pastor.

In 2021, Rodney married Amanda Coffman, and together they now have a wonderful little boy. The family joined LVCC in February 2022, and Rodney quickly found opportunities to serve, including on the sound team and as a Youth Leader. Today, he continues to serve faithfully as Youth Director and remains an active member of the sound team.

Building and Grounds Chairperson

Calvin Mitchell

Decorating Chairperson

Sherry Mitchell

Special Days Chairperson

Holly Ferrin

Hospitality/Kitchen Chairperson

Kim Vinson

Photography Chairperson

Charlene Hale

  Send Email  •  (913)731-3689

Charlene has been a member and served in Linn Valley Community Church for 25+ years. She has two children, a brother, five grandchildren and a new great- grandchild.  Charlene grew up in Stillwater Oklahoma, and accepted Christ at Vacation Bible School in 1973. 

She serves in the church in multiple capacities, including Photography, Sunday School Secretary, Sunday Refreshments, Children’s  Ministries, Outreach, and the annual Women’s Retreat. She enjoys family, animals, photography, and serving. Her favorite scripture is Phillipians 4:13 I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. 

Staffing Co-Chairperson

Jackie Rowden

See Jackie's information above.

Staffing Co-Chairperson

Robin Zumbrunnen

  Send Email  •  (913)636-9341

See Robin's information above.

Outreach Co-Chairperson

Patti Seymour

  Send Email  •  (913)499-9333

See Patti's information above.

Outreach Co-Chairperson

Robin Zumbrunnen

  Send Email  •  (913)636-9341

See Robin's information above.

Usher Chairperson

Randy Thomas