Thank you for visiting our website! The Home Menus will guide you to information concerning our church, our beliefs and our ministries.
If you are considering a new place of worship or a relocation to our area, we would love to have you be our guest.
When you visit our church, you will find:
- A caring congregation that will gladly welcome you.
- Preaching/teaching that is centered on the Word of God.
- Ministries to meet the spiritual needs of every age.
- Believers who are passionate about being a blessing to the community.
Sunday Services:
- 9AM Sunday Bible School - All Ages K through Adult
- 10AM Main Worship Service - we enjoy a blend of contemporary and traditional music, preaching based on God's word and monthly communion.
- Nursery available during main worship service (up to preschool)
- Refreshments and fellowship follow first Sunday service.
- Potluck Lunch and fellowship follow second Sunday service.
Office Hours
The Church Office is typically open Mondays through Thursday, 10am - 3pm
This may vary; please call to confirm. 913-295-4897.
- Bible Study– 9:00 AM to 9:45 AM
- Worship Service– 10:00 AM to 11:15 AM
- Sunday Coffee and Snack Fellowship (directly follows service)– 11:15 AM to 11:45 AM
- 2nd Sunday Potluck (directly following service)– 11:15 AM to 12:00 PM
- Women's Bible Study– 9:30 AM to 11:00 AM
- Noon Prayer Meeting– 12:00 PM to 12:30 PM
- Children's Ministry(Grades K-5/6) (during school year)– 4:00 PM to 5:30 PM
- Family/Community Dinner - All Welcome (during school year)– 5:30 PM to 6:00 PM
- Youth Ministry (Grades 6/7 - 12th) (during school year)– 6:00 PM to 7:30 PM
- Men’s Bible Study (Every Other Thursday - Check Church Calendar)– 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM
Men’s Ministry Bible Study Starts Thurs 2/20 @6PM
From the LVCC Council - Regarding Pastor Search
From LVCC Council: Linn Valley Community Church is currently forming a Pastor Search Committee. While a search is ongoing, the pulpit will be filled with preachers who are aligned with our Biblical beliefs and standards.
We are excited and hopeful about our future! We have a strong leadership team in place at LVCC and we continue in the Lord’s service to our congregation and Linn Valley community. It takes time to find a new pastor and we’ll keep you updated along the way. We trust God’s timing on this. Please pray for us to have wisdom, discernment, and God’s direction. Please reach out to one of our Deacons with any concerns.
James Capps (913) 731-8488Calvin Mitchell (913) 285-2445
Sat. Feb 22 Movie Night - The Forge @6:30PM
Sat, Mar 29@6:00PM - Family Trivia Night & Bake Sale - HELD AT LVCC
Wednesdays Are Family Night! 4-7:30 PM
Apr. 12 Movie Night - Sight & Sound Jesus
Linn Valley Community Church
- 86 S Linn Valley Dr
Linn Valley, Kansas 66040 - Map
- Directions
- Phone 913-295-4897