We believe in the One, True God of the Bible and that salvation is only available through the sacrifice made on the cross by his One and Only Son, Jesus Christ!  The grace, mercy, love and blood shed by Jesus is at the heart of what we believe and all we do to reach others.  


We have a variety of ministries and activities that will help you immerse in Jesus and grow in God's Word.  Bible studies are available for men, women, children and youth and are vibrant, growing ministries. 


We have a significant number of ministry teams and various ways you can serve in the church and help love our community. We want to be a tangible expressions of the love of Jesus both within the church and in Linn Valley Lakes.  


Fellowship is an important part of our church family.  We enjoy being in each other's company and strive to extend the love of Jesus among the church body.  Each Sunday, we enjoy a time of refreshments and fellowship after church as well as monthly potlucks.  We host movie nights, game nights and other fun activities to come together and invite the community to join us.  


We also have many ways you can connect with fellow believers in the church and help love our community. There are a variety of ways you can fellowship, get involved in bible studies, serve with others on ministry teams and we have at least one event each month you can attend.  

Thank you for visiting our website!

Here you will find information concerning our church and its ministries. We hope you find your time spent here a blessing. Our church is a warm and loving church, and we want you to feel comfortable and at liberty to call on us for anything you need. Feel free to browse through the various areas of our website and learn about our fellowship.

If you are considering a new place of worship or a relocation to our area, we would love to have you be our guest.

When you visit our church, you will find:

  • A caring congregation that will gladly welcome you.
  • Preaching/teaching that is centered on the Word of God.
  • Ministries to meet the spiritual needs of every age.
  • Believers who are passionate about being a blessing to the community.

Sunday Services:

  • 9AM Sunday Bible School - All Ages
  • 10AM Main Worship Service - we enjoy a blend of contemporary and traditional music, preaching based on God's word and monthly communion.

Nursery available during main worship service (up to 18 months)

Refreshments and fellowship follow each Sunday service.


Verse of the Day

  • 5/23-Mid-Sept SUMMER BREAK FOR Wed Dinners & Children/Youth Ministries

    See you in September!

    Have a wonderful summer!

  • 8/3 Back to School FREE Haircuts-Backpacks-Clothing Essentials

    Join us on Saturday Aug 3 at the church from 10-1:30 for free student haircuts, backpacks with supplies and clothing essentials (undergarments, socks)! Refreshments available.

  • 23rd Annual Women’s Retreat Sat. Sep 7, 7-4:30

    "Taming The Tongue Through The Power of Christ"

    James 3:8-10

    But no one can tame the tongue; it is a restless evil and full of deadly poison. With it we bless our Lord and Father, and with it we curse men, who have been made in the likeness of God; from the same mouth come both blessing and cursing. My brethren, these things ought not to be this way.

    Saturday Sept 7, 8AM to 4:30PM (Doors open at 7AM)

    Held at the church, Free - Freewill donation $10 suggested

    Online Registration available HERE

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Linn Valley Community Church