From the LVCC Council - Regarding Pastor Search
From LVCC Council: Linn Valley Community Church is currently forming a Pastor Search Committee. While a search is ongoing, the pulpit will be filled with preachers who are aligned with our Biblical beliefs and standards.
We are excited and hopeful about our future! We have a strong leadership team in place at LVCC and we continue in the Lord’s service to our congregation and Linn Valley community. It takes time to find a new pastor and we’ll keep you updated along the way. We trust God’s timing on this. Please pray for us to have wisdom, discernment, and God’s direction. Please reach out to one of our Deacons with any concerns.
James Capps (913) 731-8488
Calvin Mitchell (913) 285-2445
Sat. Feb 22 Movie Night - The Forge @6:30PM
Movie Night! Showing "The Forge" @6:30PM
Free Popcorn and bottled water. Youth will sell candy bars for fundraising. Invite a friend of neighbor!
Sat, Mar 29@6:00PM - Family Trivia Night & Bake Sale - HELD AT LVCC
Join us at LVCC for a family night of trivia competition and a yummy bake sale! Our bake sales raise funds for our Youth Ministries to attend summer camps, events, and other activities.
Chili, Hot Dogs and Pizza will be provided. Bring a finger food to share!
Wednesdays Are Family Night! 4-7:30 PM
4PM Children’s Ministry (K-5)
5:30PM - FREE Family Dinner - ALL Welcome - Kids & Youth Eat Free - Adults Suggested Donation $5
6:00 PM Worship for all, Youth Ministry starts (Grades 6-12)